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6795 6795 Argentina SG44 8C Reddish Lilac 1880. Sc#39 Mi 32a Mint MH. C£5 6795 Argentina SG44 8C Reddish Lilac 1880. Sc#39 Mi 32a Mint MH. C£5 Argentina 44 39 32a SG44, Sc#39, Mi32a, Yt38 1880 £5 Mint MH 8C Reddish Lilac 8 ¢ - Argentine centavo Famous People | Heads of State | Men | Politicians £5.00
6794 6794 Venezuela SG102 5 C Blue 1880. Sc#68 Mi 23x Used. C£10 6794 Venezuela SG102 5 C Blue 1880. Sc#68 Mi 23x Used. C£10 Venezuela 102 68 23x SG102, Sc#68, Mi23x, Yt24 1880 £10 Used 5 C Blue 5 c - Venezuelan céntimo Famous People, Freedom Fighters, Generals, Heads of State, Heroes, Independency Activists, Men, Politicians £5.00
6793 6793 Venezuela SG103 10C Red 1880. Sc#69 Mi 24x Used. C£17 6793 Venezuela SG103 10C Red 1880. Sc#69 Mi 24x Used. C£17 Venezuela 103 69 24x SG103, Sc#69, Mi24x, Yt25 1880 £17 Used 10C Red 10 c - Venezuelan céntimo Famous People | Freedom Fighters | Generals | Heads of State | Heroes | Independency Activists | Men | Politicians £6.00
6792 6792 Venezuela SG105 50C Dark Brown 1880. Sc#72 Mi 26x Used. C£55 6792 Venezuela SG105 50C Dark Brown 1880. Sc#72 Mi 26x Used. C£55 Venezuela 105 72 26x SG105, Sc#72, Mi26x, Yt27 1880 £55 Used 50C Dark Brown 50 c - Venezuelan céntimo Famous People | Freedom Fighters | Generals | Heads of State | Heroes | Independency Activists | Men | Politicians £17.00
6791 6791 Venezuela SG152 25C Brown 1893. Sc#110 Mi 39a Used. C£82 6791 Venezuela SG152 25C Brown 1893. Sc#110 Mi 39a Used. C£82 Venezuela 152 110 39a SG152, Sc#110, Mi39a, Yt45 1893 £82 Used 25C Brown 25 c - Venezuelan céntimo Famous People | Freedom Fighters | Generals | Heads of State | Heroes | Independency Activists | Men | Politicians £21.00
6311 6311 Nicaragua SG5 5C Black 1869. Sc#5 Mi5 Mint MH. C£50 6311 Nicaragua SG5 5C Black 1869. Sc#5 Mi5 Mint MH. C£50 Nicaragua 5 5 5 SG5, Sc#5, Mi5, Yt5 1869 £50 Mint MH 5C Black 5 c - Nicaraguan centavo Landscapes | Mountains £16.00
5844 5844 Guyana SG E17 $225 5844 Guyana SG E17 $225 "Special Delivery" 10x 1989. Sc#2056e Mi3034 Used. C£200 Guyana E17 2056e 3034 SG E17, Sc#2056e, Mi3034, 1989 £200 Used $225 "Special Delivery" 10x 225 $ - Guyanese dollar Locomotives, Railways £21.00
5785 5785 Argentina SG241 20p Carmine & Black 1899. Sc#142 Mi119 MM Mint. C£20 5785 Argentina SG241 20p Carmine & Black 1899. Sc#142 Mi119 MM Mint. C£20 Argentina 241 142 119 SG241, Sc#142, Mi119, Yt130 1899 £20 MM Mint 20p Carmine & Black 20 m$n - Argentine peso moneda nacional Coats of Arms, Symbols, Women £7.00
5784 5784 Argentina SG410 10p Blue & Lilac 1912. Sc#203 Mi180Y Used. C£20 5784 Argentina SG410 10p Blue & Lilac 1912. Sc#203 Mi180Y Used. C£20 Argentina 410 203 180Y SG410, Sc#203, Mi180Y, Yt191 1912 £20 Used 10p Blue & Lilac 10 m$n - Argentine peso moneda nacional Agriculture £6.00
4366 4366 Brazil SG62 200 Reis Black. 1877. Sc#73 Mi43 Good Used. C£19 4366 Brazil SG62 200 Reis Black. 1877. Sc#73 Mi43 Good Used. C£19 Brazil 62 73 43 SG62, Sc#73, Mi43, Yt42 1877 £19 Good Used 200 Reis Black 200 R - Brazilian (old) réis Emperors | Famous People | Heads of State | Men £4.00
4025 4025 Venezuela SG172 50c Red 1896. Sc#140 Mi51 MM Mint. C£75 4025 Venezuela SG172 50c Red 1896. Sc#140 Mi51 MM Mint. C£75 Venezuela 172 140 51 SG172, Sc#140, Mi51, Yt57 1896 £75 MM Mint 50c Red 50 c - Venezuelan céntimo Anniversaries and Jubilees | Maps £15.00
4024 4024 Venezuela SG173 1b Mauve 1896. Sc#141 Mi52 MM Mint. C£75 4024 Venezuela SG173 1b Mauve 1896. Sc#141 Mi52 MM Mint. C£75 Venezuela 173 141 52 SG173, Sc#141, Mi52, Yt58 1896 £75 MM Mint 1b Mauve 1 Bs. - Venezuelan bolívar Anniversaries and Jubilees | Maps £15.00
3873 3873 Brazil SG86 700r Violet 1888. Mi 65 Sc# 97 Yt 66. c£150 3873 Brazil SG86 700r Violet 1888. Mi 65 Sc# 97 Yt 66. c£150 Brazil 86 97 65 Mi:BR 65, Sn:BR 97, Yt:BR 66, Sg:BR 86, RHM:BR 68 1888 £150 Good Repaired Tear on reverse 700 Numbers £22.00