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6986 6986 Pakistan SG17 10Rs Claret & Purple 1947. Sc#17 Mi 17 Used. C£15 6986 Pakistan SG17 10Rs Claret & Purple 1947. Sc#17 Mi 17 Used. C£15 Pakistan 17 17 17 SG17, Sc#17, Mi17, Yt17 1947 £15 Used 10Rs Claret & Purple 10 ₨ - Pakistani rupee Animals (Fauna) | Crowns and Coronets | Elephants | Famous People | Heads of State | Kings | Men | Royalty £6.00
6985 6985 Pakistan SG38a 1Rs Ultramarine 1954. Sc#38a Mi 38C Used. C£13 6985 Pakistan SG38a 1Rs Ultramarine 1954. Sc#38a Mi 38C Used. C£13 Pakistan 38a 38a 38C SG38a, Sc#38a, Mi38C, 1954 £13 Used 1Rs Ultramarine 1 ₨ - Pakistani rupee Buildings | Hotels | Universities £5.00
6984 6984 Pakistan SG O31 8A Black 1949. Sc#O31 Mi D32 Used. C£25 6984 Pakistan SG O31 8A Black 1949. Sc#O31 Mi D32 Used. C£25 Pakistan O31 O31 D32 SGO31, Sc#O31, MiD32, YtS31 1949 £25 Used 8A Black 8 A - Pakistani anna Buildings £8.00
6983 6983 Pakistan SG O20 3A Green 1948. Sc#O20 Mi D21 Used. C£20 6983 Pakistan SG O20 3A Green 1948. Sc#O20 Mi D21 Used. C£20 Pakistan O20 O20 D21 SGO20, Sc#O20, MiD21, YtS20 1948 £20 Used 3A Green 3 A - Pakistani anna Airports | Buildings £7.00
6982 6982 Pakistan SG O46 9P Blue 1954. Sc#O45 Mi D47 Used. C£15 6982 Pakistan SG O46 9P Blue 1954. Sc#O45 Mi D47 Used. C£15 Pakistan O46 O45 D47 SGO46, Sc#O45, MiD47, YtS36 1954 £15 Used 9P Blue 9 P - Pakistani pie Flags | Landscapes | Mountains £6.00
6407 6407 Pakistan SG43 25Rs Violet 1948. Sc#43 Mi43A Used. C£42 6407 Pakistan SG43 25Rs Violet 1948. Sc#43 Mi43A Used. C£42 Pakistan 43 43 43A SG43, Sc#43, Mi43A, YtUnlisted 1948 £42 Used 25Rs Violet 25 ₨ - Pakistani rupee Landscapes | Mountains £16.00
6406 6406 Pakistan SG38a 1Rs Ultramarine 1954. Sc#38a Mi38C Used. C£13 6406 Pakistan SG38a 1Rs Ultramarine 1954. Sc#38a Mi38C Used. C£13 Pakistan 38a 38a 38C SG38a, Sc#38a, Mi38C, YtUnlisted 1954 £13 Used 1Rs Ultramarine 1 ₨ - Pakistani rupee Buildings | Hotels | Universities £4.00
6405 6405 Pakistan SGO46 9P Blue 1954. Sc#O45 MiD47 Used. C£15 6405 Pakistan SGO46 9P Blue 1954. Sc#O45 MiD47 Used. C£15 Pakistan O46 O45 D47 SGO46, Sc#O45, MiD47, YtS36 1954 £15 Used 9P Blue 9 P - Pakistani pie Flags | Landscapes | Mountains £6.00
6367 6367 Pakistan SG50 10A Red 1949. Sc#53 Mi53 Mint MNH. C£28 6367 Pakistan SG50 10A Red 1949. Sc#53 Mi53 Mint MNH. C£28 Pakistan 50 53 53 SG50, Sc#53, Mi53, Yt53 1949 £28 Mint MNH 10A Red 10 A - Pakistani anna Airports | Buildings £16.00
6366 6366 Pakistan SG51 12A Red 1949. Sc#54 Mi54 Mint MNH. C£30 6366 Pakistan SG51 12A Red 1949. Sc#54 Mi54 Mint MNH. C£30 Pakistan 51 54 54 SG51, Sc#54, Mi54, Yt54 1949 £30 Mint MNH 12A Red 12 A - Pakistani anna Buildings | Ports £17.00
6364 6364 Pakistan SG38a 1Rs Ultramarine 1954. Sc#38a Mi38C Mint MNH. C£24 6364 Pakistan SG38a 1Rs Ultramarine 1954. Sc#38a Mi38C Mint MNH. C£24 Pakistan 38a 38a 38C SG38a, Sc#38a, Mi38C, YtUnlisted 1954 £24 Mint MNH 1Rs Ultramarine 1 ₨ - Pakistani rupee Buildings | Hotels | Universities £14.00
6363 6363 Pakistan SG39a 2Rs Chocolate 1954. Sc#39a Mi39C Mint MNH. C£26 6363 Pakistan SG39a 2Rs Chocolate 1954. Sc#39a Mi39C Mint MNH. C£26 Pakistan 39a 39a 39C SG39a, Sc#39a, Mi39C, YtUnlisted 1954 £26 Mint MNH 2Rs Chocolate 2 ₨ - Pakistani rupee Buildings | Hotels | Universities £15.00
6362 6362 Pakistan SG40a 5Rs Carmine 1953. Sc#40 Mi40C Mint MNH. C£19 6362 Pakistan SG40a 5Rs Carmine 1953. Sc#40 Mi40C Mint MNH. C£19 Pakistan 40a 40 40C SG40a, Sc#40, Mi40C, YtUnlisted 1953 £19 Mint MNH 5Rs Carmine 5 ₨ - Pakistani rupee Buildings | Hotels | Universities £10.00
6359 6359 Pakistan SGO31 8A Black. 6359 Pakistan SGO31 8A Black. "Service" 1949. Sc#O31 MiD32 Used. C£25 Pakistan O31 O31 D32 SGO31, Sc#O31, MiD32, YtS31 1949 £25 Used 8A Black. "Service" 8 A - Pakistani anna Buildings £8.00
6358 6358 Pakistan SGO31 8A Black. 6358 Pakistan SGO31 8A Black. "Service" 1949. Sc#O31 MiD32 Used. C£25 Pakistan O31 O31 D32 SGO31, Sc#O31, MiD32, YtS31 1949 £25 Used 8A Black. "Service" 8 A - Pakistani anna Buildings £7.00