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7027 7027 Belgium SG104 1Fr Orange Yellow 1905. Sc#90 Mi 76a Used. C£14 7027 Belgium SG104 1Fr Orange Yellow 1905. Sc#90 Mi 76a Used. C£14 Belgium 104 90 76a SG104, Sc#90, Mi76a, Yt79 1905 £14 Used 1Fr Orange Yellow 1 fr - Belgian franc Anniversaries and Jubilees | Famous People | Heads of State | Kings | Men | Royalty £6.00
6835 6835 Belgium SG157 5+5C Green & Red 1915. Sc#B31 Mi 110A Mint MH. C£13 6835 Belgium SG157 5+5C Green & Red 1915. Sc#B31 Mi 110A Mint MH. C£13 Belgium 157 B31 110A SG157, Sc#B31, Mi110A, Yt132 1915 £13 Mint MH 5+5C Green & Red 5+5 c - Belgian centime Famous People | Heads of State | Healthcare | Kings | Men | Red Cross and Red Crescent | Royalty £5.00
6506 6506 Belgium SG502 20Fr Bright Green 1929. Sc#213 Mi263 Used. C£35 6506 Belgium SG502 20Fr Bright Green 1929. Sc#213 Mi263 Used. C£35 Belgium 502 213 263 SG502, Sc#213, Mi263, Yt290 1929 £35 Used 20Fr Bright Green 20 fr - Belgian franc Famous People | Heads of State | Kings | Men | Royalty | Uniforms £16.00
6505 6505 Belgium SG503 50Fr Purple Red 1929. Sc#214a Mi264 Used. C£65 6505 Belgium SG503 50Fr Purple Red 1929. Sc#214a Mi264 Used. C£65 Belgium 503 214a 264 SG503, Sc#214a, Mi264, Yt291 1929 £65 Used 50Fr Purple Red 50 fr - Belgian franc Famous People | Heads of State | Kings | Men | Royalty | Uniforms £23.00
6462 6462 Belgian Congo SG74 40C Carmine Brown 1915. Sc#51 Mi29 Used. C£5 6462 Belgian Congo SG74 40C Carmine Brown 1915. Sc#51 Mi29 Used. C£5 Belgian Congo 74 51 29 SG74, Sc#51, Mi29, Yt68 1915 £5 Used 40C Carmine Brown 40 c - Belgian centime Canoeing | Landscapes | Rowing Boats £3.00
6250 6250 Belgium SG2 20c Blue 1849. Sc#2b Mi2c Used. C£70 6250 Belgium SG2 20c Blue 1849. Sc#2b Mi2c Used. C£70 Belgium 2 2b 2c SG2, Sc#2b, Mi2c, 1849 £70 Used 20c Blue 20 c - Belgian centime Famous People, Heads of State, Kings, Men, Royalty £12.00
6249 6249 Belgium SG P65 25c Green 1881. Sc# Q3 Mi E3 Used. C£17 6249 Belgium SG P65 25c Green 1881. Sc# Q3 Mi E3 Used. C£17 Belgium P65 Q3 E3 SG P65, Sc# Q3, Mi E3, Yt CP3 1881 £17 Used 25c Green 25 c - Belgian centime Coats of Arms, Crowns and Coronets, Heraldic Animals, Lions, Railways, Stylized Animals £6.00
6247 6247 Belgium SG P68 1fr Grey-Brown 1882. Sc# Q6 Mi E6 Used. C£29 6247 Belgium SG P68 1fr Grey-Brown 1882. Sc# Q6 Mi E6 Used. C£29 Belgium P68 Q6 E6 SG P68, Sc# Q6, Mi E6, Yt CP6 1882 £29 Used 1fr Grey-Brown 1 fr - Belgian franc Coats of Arms, Crowns and Coronets, Heraldic Animals, Lions, Railways, Stylized Animals £9.00
6246 6246 Belgium SG P88 2fr Yellow-Ochre 1894. Sc# Q15 Mi E14 Used. C£100 6246 Belgium SG P88 2fr Yellow-Ochre 1894. Sc# Q15 Mi E14 Used. C£100 Belgium P88 Q15 E14 SG P88, Sc# Q15, Mi E14, Yt CP14 1894 £100 Used 2fr Yellow-Ochre 2 fr - Belgian franc Numbers £34.00
6245 6245 Belgium SG P88 2fr Yellow-Ochre 1894. Sc# Q15 Mi E14 Used. C£100 6245 Belgium SG P88 2fr Yellow-Ochre 1894. Sc# Q15 Mi E14 Used. C£100 Belgium P88 Q15 E14 SG P88, Sc# Q15, Mi E14, Yt CP14 1894 £100 Used 2fr Yellow-Ochre 2 fr - Belgian franc Numbers £26.00
6244 6244 Belgium SG P108 2Fr Brownish-Yellow 1897. Sc# Q24 Mi E23 Used. C£23 6244 Belgium SG P108 2Fr Brownish-Yellow 1897. Sc# Q24 Mi E23 Used. C£23 Belgium P108 Q24 E23 SG P108, Sc# Q24, Mi E23, Yt CP27 1897 £23 Used 2Fr Brownish-Yellow 2 fr - Belgian franc Numbers, Railways £8.00
6242 6242 Belgium SG87 50c Yellow-Brown 1893. Sc#70 Mi57 Used. C£25 6242 Belgium SG87 50c Yellow-Brown 1893. Sc#70 Mi57 Used. C£25 Belgium 87 70 57 SG87, Sc#70, Mi57, Yt62 1893 £25 Used 50c Yellow-Brown 50 c - Belgian centime Famous People, Heads of State, Kings, Men, Royalty £4.00
6241 6241 Belgium SG91 2fr Lilac 1893. Sc#74 Mi59 Used. C£75 6241 Belgium SG91 2fr Lilac 1893. Sc#74 Mi59 Used. C£75 Belgium 91 74 59 SG91, Sc#74, Mi59, Yt66 1893 £75 Used 2fr Lilac 2 fr - Belgian franc Famous People, Heads of State, Kings, Men, Royalty £17.00
6098 6098 Belgian Congo SG296/317 Set of 22 in Strips 1952. Sc#263/284 Mi295/316 MNH/MH. C£269 6098 Belgian Congo SG296/317 Set of 22 in Strips 1952. Sc#263/284 Mi295/316 MNH/MH. C£269 Belgian Congo 296/317 263/284 295/316 SG296/317, Sc#263/284, Mi295/316, Yt302/323 1952 £269 MNH/MH Set of 22 in Strips 100 fr - Belgian franc Flowers, Plants (Flora) £60.00
3989 3989 Belgium SG31 30c Brown 1865. Mi16A Good Used. C£20 3989 Belgium SG31 30c Brown 1865. Mi16A Good Used. C£20 Belgium 31 - 16A SG31, Mi16A, Yt19 1865 £20 Good Used 30c Brown 30 c - Belgian centime Famous People | Heads of State | Kings | Men | Royalty £5.00
3713 3713 BELGIUM 5c Green 1887. SG108 Sc84 Mi80. Small gum faults. MM Mint. c£20 3713 BELGIUM 5c Green 1887. SG108 Sc84 Mi80. Small gum faults. MM Mint. c£20 Belgium 108 84 80 Mi:BE 80, Sn:BE 84, Yt:BE 83, Sg:BE 108, AFA:BE 80, Bel:BE 83, Un:BE 83 1887 £20 MM Mint --- 5 Stylized Animals,Heraldic Animals,Lions,Coats of Arms,Crowns and Coronets £2.95