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7030 7030 France SG308 5F Blue & Buff 1900. Sc#130 Mi 100xa Used. C£100 7030 France SG308 5F Blue & Buff 1900. Sc#130 Mi 100xa Used. C£100 France 308 130 100xa SG308, Sc#130, Mi100xa, Yt123 1900 £100 Used 5F Blue & Buff 5 F - French franc Gods and goddesses | Mythology £23.00
6585 6585 France SG64 40C Orange 1853. Sc#18 Mi15a Used. C£20 6585 France SG64 40C Orange 1853. Sc#18 Mi15a Used. C£20 France 64 18 15a SG64, Sc#18, Mi15a, Yt16 1853 £20 Used 40C Orange 40 c - French centime Emperors | Famous People | Heads of State | Men | Royalty £8.00
6584 6584 Gabon SG30 1F Olive & Red 1904. Sc#30 Mi30 Used. C£60 6584 Gabon SG30 1F Olive & Red 1904. Sc#30 Mi30 Used. C£60 Gabon 30 30 30 SG30, Sc#30, Mi30, Yt30 1904 £60 Used 1F Olive & Red 1 F - French franc Gods and goddesses | Mythology | Trade £10.00
6583 6583 Dahomey SG11 40C Dark Orange Red 1905. Sc#11 Mi12 Used. C£12 6583 Dahomey SG11 40C Dark Orange Red 1905. Sc#11 Mi12 Used. C£12 Dahomey 11 11 12 SG11, Sc#11, Mi12, Yt12 1905 £12 Used 40C Dark Orange Red 40 c - French centime Gods and goddesses | Keyplate Type | Men | Mythology | Stylized Figures / Persons | Trade | Women £4.00
6578 6578 Franch PO in China SG12 3 Dark Lilac & Red 1902. Sc#31a MiA14I Used. C£80 6578 Franch PO in China SG12 3 Dark Lilac & Red 1902. Sc#31a MiA14I Used. C£80 Franch PO in China 12 31a A14I SG12, Sc#31a, MiA14I, Yt46 1902 £80 Used 3 Dark Lilac & Red 3 Chinese jiao Gods and goddesses | Mythology | Trade £26.00
6577 6577 French Guiana SG49 75C Carmine & Deep Violet 1892. Sc#48 Mi40 Used. C£50 6577 French Guiana SG49 75C Carmine & Deep Violet 1892. Sc#48 Mi40 Used. C£50 French Guiana 49 48 40 SG49, Sc#48, Mi40, Yt41 1892 £50 Used 75C Carmine & Deep Violet 75 c - French centime Globes | Gods and goddesses | Mythology | Trade £17.00
6576 6576 French Guiana SG48 50C Blue & Carmine 1892. Sc#46 Mi39 Mint MNH. C£15 6576 French Guiana SG48 50C Blue & Carmine 1892. Sc#46 Mi39 Mint MNH. C£15 French Guiana 48 46 39 SG48, Sc#46, Mi39, Yt40 1892 £15 Mint MNH 50C Blue & Carmine 50 c - French centime Globes | Gods and goddesses | Mythology | Trade £8.00
6575 6575 French Guiana SG47 40C Blue & Red 1892. Sc#45 Mi38 Used. C£15 6575 French Guiana SG47 40C Blue & Red 1892. Sc#45 Mi38 Used. C£15 French Guiana 47 45 38 SG47, Sc#45, Mi38, Yt39 1892 £15 Used 40C Blue & Red 40 c - French centime Globes | Gods and goddesses | Mythology | Trade £6.00
6467 6467 France SG87 1C Olive 1862. Sc#22 Mi18a Mint MNG. C£225 6467 France SG87 1C Olive 1862. Sc#22 Mi18a Mint MNG. C£225 France 87 22 18a SG87, Sc#22, Mi18a, Yt19 1862 £225 Mint MNG 1C Olive 1 c - French centime Emperors | Famous People | Heads of State | Men | Royalty £60.00
6466 6466 France SG432 20F Multicolor 1926. Sc#132 Mi183 Used. C£44 6466 France SG432 20F Multicolor 1926. Sc#132 Mi183 Used. C£44 France 432 132 183 SG432, Sc#132, Mi183, Yt208 1926 £44 Used 20F Multicolor 20 F - French franc Gods and goddesses | Mythology £13.00
6327 6327 France SG274 75C Brown on Orange-Yellow 1890. Sc#102a MiUnlisted Used. C£50 6327 France SG274 75C Brown on Orange-Yellow 1890. Sc#102a MiUnlisted Used. C£50 France 274 102a Unlisted SG274, Sc#102a, MiUnlisted, Yt99a 1890 £50 Used 75C Brown on Orange-Yellow 75 c - French centime Globes | Gods and goddesses | Mythology | Trade £5.00
6326 6326 France SG267 25C Black on Pink 1886. Sc#100 Mi80 Used. C£28 6326 France SG267 25C Black on Pink 1886. Sc#100 Mi80 Used. C£28 France 267 100 80 SG267, Sc#100, Mi80, Yt97 1886 £28 Used 25C Black on Pink 25 c - French centime Globes | Gods and goddesses | Mythology | Trade £7.00
6115 6115 France SG MS1651a Philatelic Paris Sheet 1964. Mi1480Zf Mint MNH. C£375 6115 France SG MS1651a Philatelic Paris Sheet 1964. Mi1480Zf Mint MNH. C£375 France MS1651a - 1480Zf SG MS1651a, Mi1480Zf, Yt1422/BL6 1964 £375 Mint MNH Philatelic Paris Sheet 1 F - French franc Celestial Bodies, Expositions, Philatelic Exhibitions, Philately, Postal Services, Rockets, Spacecraft, Telecommunication £119.00
5995 5995 French Indochina SG92b 4c on 10c Black & Red 1919. Sc#69 Mi76I Used. C£15 5995 French Indochina SG92b 4c on 10c Black & Red 1919. Sc#69 Mi76I Used. C£15 French Indochina 92b 69 76I SG92b, Sc#69, Mi76I, Yt76 1919 £15 Used 4c on 10c Black & Red 4 c - French Indochinese cent Animals (Fauna), Dragons, Women £5.00
5989 5989 French Somaliland SG136 5f Blue & Orange 1902. Sc#48 Mi51 Used. C£38 5989 French Somaliland SG136 5f Blue & Orange 1902. Sc#48 Mi51 Used. C£38 French Somaliland 136 48 51 SG136, Sc#48, Mi51, Yt52 1902 £38 Used 5f Blue & Orange 5 F - French franc Army, Men, People, Weapons £6.00
5763 5763 France SG432 20f Pink & Green 1926. Sc#132 Mi183 Used. C£44 5763 France SG432 20f Pink & Green 1926. Sc#132 Mi183 Used. C£44 France 432 132 183 SG432, Sc#132, Mi183, Yt208 1926 £44 Used 20f Pink & Green 20 F - French franc Gods and goddesses, Mythology £7.00
5744 5744 France SG187 2c Red-Brown 1872. Sc#51 Mi46 Used. C£20 5744 France SG187 2c Red-Brown 1872. Sc#51 Mi46 Used. C£20 France 187 51 46 SG187, Sc#51, Mi46, Yt51 1872 £20 Used 2c Red-Brown 2 c - French centime Gods and goddesses, Mythology £4.00
5743 5743 France SG267 25c Black on Pink 1886. Sc#100 Mi80 MM Mint. C£130 5743 France SG267 25c Black on Pink 1886. Sc#100 Mi80 MM Mint. C£130 France 267 100 80 SG267, Sc#100, Mi80, Yt97 1886 £130 MM Mint 25c Black on Pink 25 c - French centime Globes, Gods and goddesses, Mythology, Trade £16.00
4129 4129 France 30c Light-Brown. 1870. Sc#46 Fine Used. C£250 4129 France 30c Light-Brown. 1870. Sc#46 Fine Used. C£250 France - 46 - Sc#46, Yt47a 1870 £250 Fine Used 30c Light-Brown 30 c - French centime Gods and goddesses | Mythology £35.00