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6500 6500 Switzerland SG130B 10Ct. Carmine & Rose Carmine 1894. Mi54Yb Mint MNH. C£9 6500 Switzerland SG130B 10Ct. Carmine & Rose Carmine 1894. Mi54Yb Mint MNH. C£9 Switzerland 130B - 54Yb SG130B, Mi54Yb, Yt67 1894 £9 Mint MNH 10Ct. Carmine & Rose Carmine 10 Ct. - Swiss centime Coats of Arms | Crosses | Numbers £5.00
6499 6499 Switzerland SG127Ac 3Ct. Brown Grey 1882. Sc#Unlisted Mi51Xb Mint MH. C£65 6499 Switzerland SG127Ac 3Ct. Brown Grey 1882. Sc#Unlisted Mi51Xb Mint MH. C£65 Switzerland 127Ac Unlisted 51Xb SG127Ac, Sc#Unlisted, Mi51Xb, YtUnlisted 1882 £65 Mint MH 3Ct. Brown Grey 3 Ct. - Swiss centime Coats of Arms | Crosses | Numbers £29.00
6498 6498 Switzerland SG127Ac 3Ct. Brown Grey 1882. Sc#Unlisted Mi51Xb Used. C£65 6498 Switzerland SG127Ac 3Ct. Brown Grey 1882. Sc#Unlisted Mi51Xb Used. C£65 Switzerland 127Ac Unlisted 51Xb SG127Ac, Sc#Unlisted, Mi51Xb, YtUnlisted 1882 £65 Used 3Ct. Brown Grey 3 Ct. - Swiss centime Coats of Arms | Crosses | Numbers £24.00
6497 6497 Switzerland SG127Bc 3Ct. Brown Grey 1894. Sc#70 Mi51Ya Used. C£15 6497 Switzerland SG127Bc 3Ct. Brown Grey 1894. Sc#70 Mi51Ya Used. C£15 Switzerland 127Bc 70 51Ya SG127Bc, Sc#70, Mi51Ya, Yt64 1894 £15 Used 3Ct. Brown Grey 3 Ct. - Swiss centime Coats of Arms | Crosses | Numbers £6.00
6496 6496 Switzerland SG127Bc 3Ct. Brown Grey 1894. Sc#70 Mi51Ya Used. C£15 6496 Switzerland SG127Bc 3Ct. Brown Grey 1894. Sc#70 Mi51Ya Used. C£15 Switzerland 127Bc 70 51Ya SG127Bc, Sc#70, Mi51Ya, Yt64 1894 £15 Used 3Ct. Brown Grey 3 Ct. - Swiss centime Coats of Arms | Crosses | Numbers £6.00
6026 6026 Switzerland SG242 70c Brown & Yellow 1908. Sc#141 Mi108x Used. C£25 6026 Switzerland SG242 70c Brown & Yellow 1908. Sc#141 Mi108x Used. C£25 Switzerland 242 141 108x SG242, Sc#141, Mi108x, Yt125 1908 £25 Used 70c Brown & Yellow 70 Ct. - Swiss centime Mythology, Statues, Swords, Symbols, Weapons £9.00
6018 6018 Switzerland SG235a 35c Yellow & Green 1933. Sc#135a Mi105z Used. C£20 6018 Switzerland SG235a 35c Yellow & Green 1933. Sc#135a Mi105z Used. C£20 Switzerland 235a 135a 105z SG235a, Sc#135a, Mi105z, Yt122a 1933 £20 Used 35c Yellow & Green 35 Ct. - Swiss centime Mythology, Statues, Swords, Symbols, Weapons £7.00
5983 5983 Switzerland SG400 30c Blue & Buff 1939. Sc#269 Mi358 Used. C£5 5983 Switzerland SG400 30c Blue & Buff 1939. Sc#269 Mi358 Used. C£5 Switzerland 400 269 358 SG400, Sc#269, Mi358, Yt343 1939 £5 Used 30c Blue & Buff 30 Ct. - Swiss centime Bridges, Red Cross and Red Crescent, Townscapes / City Views £4.00
4526 4526 Switzerland SG558 Stampexhibition Lausanne Set of 4 in Marginal Blocks. 1955. Sc#351 Mi607 MNH Mint. C£35 4526 Switzerland SG558 Stampexhibition Lausanne Set of 4 in Marginal Blocks. 1955. Sc#351 Mi607 MNH Mint. C£35 Switzerland 558 351 607 SG558, Sc#351, Mi607, Yt558 1955 £35 MNH Mint Stampexhibition Lausanne Set of 4 in Marginal Blocks 5 Ct. - Swiss centime Churches - Cathedrals - Basilicas - Chapels, Expositions, Philatelic Exhibitions, Post Horns £8.00
4399 4399 Switzerland SG162 3Fr Ochre Brown. 1902. Sc#88b Mi64YDb Fair Used. C£36 4399 Switzerland SG162 3Fr Ochre Brown. 1902. Sc#88b Mi64YDb Fair Used. C£36 Switzerland 162 88b 64YDb SG162, Sc#88b, Mi64YDb, Yt80 1902 £36 Fair Used 3Fr Ochre Brown 3 Fr. - Swiss franc Statues £4.00
4398 4398 Switzerland SG139 3Fr Ochre Brown. 1891. Sc#88 Mi64XAb Fine Used. C£36 4398 Switzerland SG139 3Fr Ochre Brown. 1891. Sc#88 Mi64XAb Fine Used. C£36 Switzerland 139 88 64XAb SG139, Sc#88, Mi64XAb, 1891 £36 Fine Used 3Fr Ochre Brown 3 Fr. - Swiss franc Statues £6.50
4396 4396 Switzerland SG28a 40c Bright Green. Thin Paper. Green Thread. 1854. Sc#18 Mi17Ia Good Used. C£325 4396 Switzerland SG28a 40c Bright Green. Thin Paper. Green Thread. 1854. Sc#18 Mi17Ia Good Used. C£325 Switzerland 28a 18 17Ia SG28a, Sc#18, Mi17Ia, 1854 £325 Good Used 40c Bright Green. Thin Paper. Green Thread 40 Swiss rappen Coats of Arms | Mythology £80.00
4128 4128 Switzerland SG37 40c Green. Red Thread. 1855. Sc#29 Mi17IIAyr Fine Used. C£120 4128 Switzerland SG37 40c Green. Red Thread. 1855. Sc#29 Mi17IIAyr Fine Used. C£120 Switzerland 37 29 17IIAyr SG37, Sc#29, Mi17IIAyr, 1855 £120 Fine Used 40c Green. Red Thread 40 Swiss rappen Coats of Arms | Mythology £22.00
4076 4076 Switzerland SG494 40c Ultramarine. 1948. Sc#321 Mi505 MNG Mint. C£50 4076 Switzerland SG494 40c Ultramarine. 1948. Sc#321 Mi505 MNG Mint. C£50 Switzerland 494 321 505 SG494, Sc#321, Mi505, Yt466 1948 £50 MNG Mint 40c Ultramarine 40 Ct. - Swiss centime Lakes | Landscapes | Mountains £8.00
4075 4075 Switzerland SG159 50c Dark Green. 1901. Sc#96a Mi69Dc Average Used. C£35 4075 Switzerland SG159 50c Dark Green. 1901. Sc#96a Mi69Dc Average Used. C£35 Switzerland 159 96a 69Dc SG159, Sc#96a, Mi69Dc, Yt77 1901 £35 Average Used 50c Dark Green 50 Ct. - Swiss centime Statues £5.00
4060 4060 Switzerland SG67 50c Dark Lilac. 1867. Sc#59 Mi35a Good Used. C£60 4060 Switzerland SG67 50c Dark Lilac. 1867. Sc#59 Mi35a Good Used. C£60 Switzerland 67 59 35a SG67, Sc#59, Mi35a, Yt48 1867 £60 Good Used 50c Dark Lilac 50 Ct. - Swiss centime Coats of Arms | Mythology £9.00
4058 4058 Switzerland SG158 40c Grey 1903. Sc#84d Mi61YDa Good Used. C£50 4058 Switzerland SG158 40c Grey 1903. Sc#84d Mi61YDa Good Used. C£50 Switzerland 158 84d 61YDa SG158, Sc#84d, Mi61YDa, 1903 £50 Good Used 40c Grey 40 Ct. - Swiss centime Statues £6.00
3862 3862 Switzerland Zu 89A 40c Grey. 1907 P11½x12. Sc# 108a Mi77C. Fine. c£200 3862 Switzerland Zu 89A 40c Grey. 1907 P11½x12. Sc# 108a Mi77C. Fine. c£200 Switzerland --- 108a 77C Mi:CH 77C, Zum:CH 89A 1907 £200 Fine 13 teeth vertical, reengraved background of standing helvetia, "A" from right FRANCO leaning to left 40 Statues £60.00
3861 3861 Switzerland SG152B 1f Carmine. P11½x12. 1903. Mi 63YD Sc# 87a Zum 71E. c£50 3861 Switzerland SG152B 1f Carmine. P11½x12. 1903. Mi 63YD Sc# 87a Zum 71E. c£50 Switzerland 152B 87a 63YD Mi:CH 63YD, Sn:CH 87b, Sg:CH 152B, Zum:CH 71E 1903 £50 Fine 14 tooth vertical 1 Statues £14.00
3710 3710 SWITZERLAND 50ct Lilac 1867. SG67 Sc59 Mi35 Average. c£60 3710 SWITZERLAND 50ct Lilac 1867. SG67 Sc59 Mi35 Average. c£60 Switzerland 67 59 35 Mi:CH 35, Sn:CH 59, Yt:CH 48, Sg:CH 67, Zum:CH 43 1867 £60 Average --- 50 Mythology,Coats of Arms